Critical Factors in industry 4.0

Critical Factors in industry 4.0

Critical Factors in industry 4.0

This book is a compilation of works that present different perspectives associated with Industry 4.0 in the organizational environment in Mexico and the world. Research on the maquiladora industry—the main economic activity in Ciudad Juárez—predominates, nonetheless,Critical Factors in Industry 4.0: a Multidisciplinary Perspective alsoaddresses topics on Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and in particular research associated with the future perspective of human capital, focusing on labor contexts, social responsibility, technology transfer, systems for competitiveness, human resources development, among other concepts associated with  Smart Manufacturing, Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0.

Critical Factors in Industry 4.0: a Multidisciplinary Perspective consists of 21 chapters of research findings of the influence the maquiladora industry has on the citizens of Ciudad Juárez. Although the topics of the contributions are varied, they can be grouped intogeneric classifications such as: Human Capital, Industry 4.0, Organizational Productivity and Competitiveness. 

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ISBN: 978-607-8214-64-8

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Descargas: 8